Globe Life Asks Purple Heart Recipient To Throw Ceremonial First Pitch At Rangers Game

This year, wounded warrior, Jacob Schick was the first choice as his heroic story of bravery is inspiring. Cpl. Schick sustained multiple injuries when his Humvee hit a triple-stack tank mine in 2004 in Iraq. He suffered compound fractures in his left leg and left arm, multiple skin, ligament, and bone loss, partial loss of his left hand and arm, broken ribs, and amputation below the knee of his left leg. He has undergone 46 surgeries and 23 blood transfusions.

Cpl. Schick resides in Frisco, TX with his family and manages warrior relations for the Center for Brain Health in Dallas which he credits for helping him recover from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Traumatic Brain Injury.

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