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Accident Insurance for Athletes

Accidents Happen

We all know that we can’t always prevent accidents from happening. While certain measures can be taken that can minimize accident occurrence, the fact remains that some accidents are unavoidable, no matter how careful we are.

According to the CDC, unintentional injuries were the third leading cause of death in the U.S. in 2017, with 49.4 deaths per 100,000 people1. And according to the National Safety Council, “unintentional injuries are the leading cause of death from infancy to middle age”2.


With accidents being so common, especially for those who may have an increased risk of experiencing an accident, it makes sense to be prepared.

Injuries for Athletes

Athletes, specifically, take on a certain risk of injury – some from practice (like overuse injuries) and some from competition. “Athletes and sports competitors have one of the highest rates of injuries and illnesses of all occupations,” according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. “And although fatalities are uncommon, athletes and sports competitors experience one of the highest rates of occupational fatalities of all occupations”3. The CDC notes varying amounts of injury across all sports for student athletes as well, with men’s football and wrestling having some of the highest injury rates in college sports4.

With accidents being so common, especially for those who may have an increased risk of experiencing an accident, it makes sense to be prepared.

Accident Insurance

Accident insurance can help ease the financial burden that results in the aftermath of an accident. Many insurance companies offer different types of accident insurance, from providing coverage for certain losses resulting from a covered accident to providing coverage for death caused as a result of a covered accident.

According to bizjournals.com, “Supplemental insurance offerings can be part of an effective strategy to provide protection and value for employees at an affordable cost” 3.

Athletes in particular may want to consider an accident policy since they may experience a covered accident while competing.